Course Material Preparation

Our team will create beautiful online courses

We use your existing training materials or build courses from scratch. Either way, you'll go live 2x faster than the category average and your students can start learning on new courses within 2-3 days from the time you signup.

Access training anytime, anywhere!

Whether on desktop or mobile, morning or night, your students can easily access training on their schedule. No matter the device, operating system, or connection stability.

Connect face-to-face, easily with every student

Host virtual training sessions right on the platform. Integrate with our Virtual Classroom seamlessly and conduct unlimited classroom sessions at your own schedule.

We integrate with your existing LMS platform, or you can use our cloud based LMS

Make learning easy, and create a great experience for your learners. Our courses are SCORM complaint and work with following LMS systems and more, or you can use our cloud based LMS - eCoursesLMS system:

Make your Courses fun & effective with eCourses

  • Make your content interactive with response buttons and pop-ups
  • Promote engagement with enticing branching scenarios
  • Challenge your students with tests and quizzes, and track progress.

Engage and collaborate with your students

  • Assign tasks, lessons, and projects to students
  • Provides valuable feedback to improve your learners & answer their questions.
  • Provides 2-way interaction and facilitate student discussions

Track full performance and metrics

  • Provide scheduled learning or on-demand opportunities
  • Keep your students organized with updates and notifications
  • See results with complete data and analytics
  • Auto-Grading available for all eCourses
  • All data can be imported into your LMS!